Welcome to football registration!

  • Create your self an account.
  • Then every week from Sat onwards come to this site and register that you are willing to play using the "Play this Week" option.
  • Check back towards the end of the week to see if you have a place, the aim is to let you know as soon as posible if you will be playing that week, gives you time to make other plans.
  • There is an algorithm that will decide who plays, this will try and make it fair ie if you said you will play and dont get a place you will get priority the following week. Note:
    • Saying you can play and then backing out if you get a game will have severe consequences, so don't try and be clever.
    • Not turning up when you are supposed to be playing, you may as well retire cause you will be a long way dowm the list.
    • If you are late you will harm your chances of playing the following week, not as bad as backing out.
    • There are no excuses, cause I cant be bothered or have the time to make changes.

Link to Nurmahal Fantasy Football